Before the Lord went to the cross He gathered His disciples in the upper room and after the Passover feast He took bread, broke, and gave to his disciples and also the cup; then asked them to do this in remembrance of His death. Following the teaching of the Lord and the example of the Apostles, we meet weekly to remember the Lord Jesus and His death for us. The first part of this meeting is for worship and congregational singing. Without prearrangement, the meeting is open for men in church fellowship to lead the congregation in praise and worship of Christ for His person and work at the cross. A Bible message often follows.
This meeting is for in depth study of the text of Scripture, of a doctrinal subject, or of a Biblical character. The first Sunday of each month there will be a sermon instead followed by a meal.
The gospel we preach is that "Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures; and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day." (1 Corinthians 15:3-4). After a time of congregational singing two men present a clear message about God's way of salvation and other exciting truths from the living Word of God, the Bible.
During the first part of this meeting the men in fellowship lead the congregation in public prayer. Public preaching of the truths of the Bible and Bible study follows, usually in a conversational format. A brother will read the passage under consideration and give an overview highlighting the main truths taught by the passage. Then there is a discussion by the brethren in fellowship of their understanding of the text and how it applies to our daily life. Sometimes there is instead a speaker who opens up the Word.